black and white bed linen

Wedding Schedule

Stay updated with our wedding schedule and join us in celebrating our special day!


Have a look at our schedule!
(Don't forget to fill in the questionnaire if you didn't already do so)

Attention: Times are subject to change! Check again shortly before the wedding!

Celebration Day
Shared Brunch 11am - 2pm
Morning Checkout

Wedding Schedule

Explore our wedding schedule to stay updated on all events and activities planned for our special day.

Join us in the celebration!
Everyone is invited to the party from 8pm.

! ATTENTION !: Check which part of the wedding you are invited to. You can see this on your personal invitation.
Does your card say 1pm? Then you are welcome from 1pm. Does your card say 3pm? Then you are welcome from 3pm.
Of course everybody is welcome to stay until the party ends.

Everyone is also welcome for the brunch on Sunday.
You must register for this via the form.
This helps us to indicate how much food we need to order.

The ceremony is something very personal and we would like to keep it small. Thank you for your understanding. ❤️


Haersolteweg 15, 7722 SE Dalfsen

Wedding Photos

10 AM


8 PM - 12 PM

4 PM - 7 PM

3 PM

Celebration Day


1 PM

Attention: Times are subject to change! Check again shortly before the wedding!